These are two cream's that are designed for use on hair or body.
The other pic is what the products come in--a nice little carrying bag!
Dream Cream Moisturizer is the one I actually use on my hair. I use it to SOTC (Scrunch Out the Crunch) caused by my hard hold gel's. It clumps my curls and provides a shot of moisture and my hair feels soft. It does not seem to impart any sort of sheen. The smell is out of this world good--I often use this on my elbows and arms before bed so my linen's smell like this all night. I love sweet smells and this is definitely one of them..the smell is very similar to her Inspiration Shampoo and Growth Spray.
Wisdom Moisturizer--this product was too heavy for my hair. While I can generally use many products designed for textures of hair different than mine I do occasionally run across one that flat out doesn't work for me. This is one of those.
After watching youtube reviews I realized I could use this on my son's excema. I did and NO LIE it disappeared overnite. Literally. Truth. Could-not-believe-it. Now I just put it on him after he bathes (2-3x week max) and so far no excema. This cream did what hundreds of dollars of prescription product couldn't--it provided enough moisture to keep the itchy scalies at bay. Since my son has other medical issues the problem of him scratching and potentially making spots bleed cannot be ignored. It is actually dangerous for him.
I am a forever customer for this product for my son's skin. I use it on my feet, elbows, knees, etc. It is a great body cream. It smells like chocolate which is a complete bonus!
As I mentioned in my first SNBE review you can get smaller sample sizes of these products so you can give them a try before a full size purchase. HIGHLY recommended!
WOWSERS...What an AWESOME blog post! Thanks so much for taking the time to post it and thanks for being a customer!